Well, for the last two days I've been addicted to your servers and its great I'm beginning to meet you all and feel the wrath of your stunsticks!
Gotta say how lovely some of the maps on Server 1 are: sh*tbox_1 and octagonbox_1 are now my new fave maps - hope you dont mind but I've installed them on my server at KC (Server 3)
Hope to get better at airinsanity and indeed the ultra-sexy spacebox
Also nice to chill with Beast and others on Server 8 - a home from home with Sanctuary maps :0
Kc | Ravage
Gotta say how lovely some of the maps on Server 1 are: sh*tbox_1 and octagonbox_1 are now my new fave maps - hope you dont mind but I've installed them on my server at KC (Server 3)
Hope to get better at airinsanity and indeed the ultra-sexy spacebox
Also nice to chill with Beast and others on Server 8 - a home from home with Sanctuary maps :0
Kc | Ravage