gtamikes Half Life 1/2/DM videos

(all in one place)

Rainbow User
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: UK
Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
Beiträge: 115
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

gtamikes Half Life 1/2/DM videos

Gepostet: 04.01.2010 - 01:02 Uhr  ·  #1
Hello All :D

My old youtube account well lets say it got Locked, so I had to make a new account and reupload my Half Life videos again.

Ok i've been watching my old/new .dem videos and dissided to record/upload to youtube cause i've got higher specs.
Available in HD 🆒

Here's the link to my NEW youtube account (better layout now/new videos) ;)

Here's a list of my Half Life 1/2/DM videos

1) Half Life 2 EP 2 Hunter Battle

2) HL2DM gtamike frag video no 1

3) HL2DM Grenade Trick (By gtamike_TSGK)

4) HL2DM Combat Box

5) HL2DM Smoking Kills

6) HL2DM Super Charger Kill (Trick)

7) HL2 R.I.P Freeman (Hidden Scene)

8.) HL2DM dm_attack_house_tsgk Last Trap Testing

9) HL2DM dm_attack_house_tsgk Up stairs short cuts/hints

10) HL2DM dm_attack_house_tsgk Telport

11) HL2DM boom physics

12) HL2DM dm_combat_house_tsgk (Arrow Hints)

13) HL2DM Ade and gtamike Grenade Juggling Video!

14) HL2DM Knife Bin 1

15) HL2DM Ghost Car Fly 1

16) HL2DM knifes slam boom physic test death custom map test

17) HL2DM Chat Spam Noob!!! lol

18.) HL2DM Last Stand

19) HL2DM hammer_speed_test (cheats off/player_speedmod used)

20) HL2DM Steam Room (Preview)

21) HL1 can't hit me Dr Freeman :o

22) HL1 Vents

23) HL1 waiting for me

Videos For Your Entertainment Enjoy Guys! :)
Rainbow User
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: UK
Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
Beiträge: 115
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

Re: gtamikes Half Life 1/2/DM videos

Gepostet: 03.07.2010 - 12:56 Uhr  ·  #2
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