hlstastx reset ???

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HlstatsX reset ???
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Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 18.01.2007 - 20:28 Uhr  ·  #17
the current SQL database of our stats seems to be really bugged: the stats are not working correctly again. for example maps statistics and events are not shown since today's afternoon.

might be a good argument for the hlstatsx reset.
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Dabei seit: 11 / 2006

Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 18.01.2007 - 21:08 Uhr  ·  #18
now i vote too :)
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Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 11:18 Uhr  ·  #19
hmm, i think we need a second stats system hehe.
Brilliant InnOCence
Allround God
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Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 12:21 Uhr  ·  #20
well my stats are all right .. i dont know whats the problem ^^
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Dabei seit: 06 / 2006

Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 12:47 Uhr  ·  #21
stats are ok at the moment... except that they have been stopped and then started after some hours :(

and with the map statistics, events etc - yes, these work for the moment (probably as a reaction to the email sent to the support by Dynas yesterday), but it might take not long until next failure.
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Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 13:44 Uhr  ·  #22
yes, works now.
the hlstatsx team said to me before longer time it recommend to set a normal point modifier -
i asked they today whether it then better run. will wait what they say.
Clan Member
Alter: 49
Homepage: space-in.de
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Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 14:13 Uhr  ·  #23
ok - the answer:
A RESET does not have to do anything with the point assignment and stability of the statistics.
and about point modifier:
And your point distribution is extreme, but that is and remains alone your decision.
And now it is possible to reset the statistic with different options:
Reset Game
Keep Players
Keep Server Load
Keep Server Statistics
Keep Weapon Statistics
Keep Action Statistics
Keep Map Statistics


Ein Reset hat nichts mit der Punktevergabe und Stabilität der Statistiken zu tun. Bitte schauen Sie sich unsere damalige Antwort noch einmal genauer an. Und ja Ihre Punkteverteilung ist extrem, aber das ist und bleibt alleine Ihre Entscheidung. Sie können die Statistiken seit einiger Zeit mit verschiedenen Optionen resetten. Unter anderem können Sie Ihre Spieler in der Rangliste einfach auf 1000 Punkte zurücksetzen, so dass alle Spieler und auch die Spieler-Ids gleich bleiben. Damit bleibt dieselbe Spieleranzahl erhalten und auch die Signaturen der Spieler müssen nicht angepasst werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das HLstatsX - Team
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Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: München
Beiträge: 681
Dabei seit: 06 / 2006

Re: hlstastx reset ???

Gepostet: 19.01.2007 - 15:01 Uhr  ·  #24
unless the mysql database will be really repaired, we might have the same problems again and again.

i think we have two main options:
1) ask the hlstatsx team to follow our stats more attentively (and repair such bugs as over 3 billions kills for killroof map in the map statistics) - so our stats start working reliably; then if we decide to reset, keep the player statistics.

2) reset mysql database completely (start a new one) or go for hosting of our own stats. by doing this we do a reset and loose the players count, but there can still be an option to parse old logs (though not for sure and only if we host the stats).

on the top of that there come the wishes for the new weapon point modifiers and min/max points. i think we have to start a different topic for the points discussion.
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