
Rainbow User
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Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
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Gepostet: 01.02.2012 - 14:27 Uhr  ·  #1
Zitat geschrieben von Osiris_TSGK
Title: dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc1

Original Authors: [B§]_Furianer & Osiris_TSGK
V8 Refreshment: [SuN] SuperHebbe ( & Osiris_TSGK
OB Refreshement: gtamike_TSGK

The map has now been fully ported to OB and has been renamed dm_ob_killbox_tsgk which is the V8 version with numerous fixes and HD textures, thanks to gtamike_TSGK for this new release of dm_ob_killbox_tsgk.
Thanks to SuperHebbe from for the time he gave to the refreshment of dm_killbox_tsgk_v8.

The gameplay has been tweaked a lot.

We celebrate the new year with a new map, dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc1 has been released.

This new version of dm_killbox_tsgk is now fully OB engine compatible.
Various fixes and HD textures have been added including a custom explosive barrel texture.
Physics doesn't mess with the lifts any more.
Basement room red lights will also flash if a player is using the super charger with a control panel to be able to disable the super charger while it used.

Thanks to gtamike_TSGK for all the work he has done toward the OB compatibility and the release of this new version of dm_killbox_tsgk.

Don't hesitate to give feedback and report bugs.

Zitat geschrieben von gtamike_TSGK
Hope you all enjoy the map alot of work was put in.
The cubemap reflections are also in HD. :)


TSGK Topic/Download Link (For Latest Version)
Rainbow User
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: UK
Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
Beiträge: 115
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

Re: dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc1

Gepostet: 04.02.2012 - 15:30 Uhr  ·  #2

Zitat geschrieben von Osiris_TSGK
dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc3 has been released.

- Fixing issue with player that can be stuck on lift when it reach its top position.
- Removing the central ladder which was rarely used for better flow/gameplay.
- Optimized map size at its best without losing quality.
- Minors esthetic fixes (lights reflections, cubemaps).

The map is now entering a one week extensive testing period prior to a final release.
Feedbacks are welcome during this period.
Thanks to gtamike_TSGK for this released.


Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Kreuzlingen
Homepage: half-life-gaming.n…
Beiträge: 1701
Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Re: dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc1

Gepostet: 04.02.2012 - 16:37 Uhr  ·  #3
thx, its updated in our download section.
Rainbow User
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: UK
Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
Beiträge: 115
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

Re: dm_ob_killbox_tsgk_rc1

Gepostet: 05.02.2012 - 15:27 Uhr  ·  #4
Zitat geschrieben von Carioca

thx, its updated in our download section.

Np enjoy

There's the full changes if you wanted to know.

Change Log/Full Updates _rc2

Getting stuck under platforms using any lift is fixed and 10hp damage to player added. (Trigger bug detection enables only if player is stuck or hits head on platform)

Ladder in middle of map removed and wood fence prop.

When supercharger is disabled by control panel button a red sprite will come on, and default empty charger sound plays to supercharger user.

Map file size optimized to maximum without quality loss to map visuals.

Change Log/Full Updates _rc3

Cubemap reflection of green sprite light removed on supercharger floor.

Lifts are now just one unit in height "soild" with another 2 units of "none soild" brush attached to the lift.

RC1/RC2 lifts were 3 units in height "soild" and player sometimes would get stuck in at top. In RC3 this problem should be gone with newer/improved lift design.


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