Map of the month March 2012 - dm_bdaycake

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Map of the month March 2012 - dm_bdaycake

Gepostet: 03.04.2012 - 10:58 Uhr  ·  #1
Our map of the month march 2012 comes from the mapper QMD Mike from Canada. He`s known for the maps dm_stripclub and dm_discotech.
This one is a rats map where you're in a giant box delivred with a cake, throwable strawberry, bananas, ball to dunk in the backet, Transformers Bumblebee and so much more... Happy Birthday to all the players! He did this map for the 3Qclan because he owe them one. Cheers & Have fun with the bdaycake and please, do not abuse of the dm_stripclub birthday card inside the level. Remember, if one of them, is asking you to share with her that strawberry cake, you better do it ;)

The map can be downloaded here

Some screens:

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