Hi all,
about a month ago I've done changes in the Stripper plugin and written an ES-script in a way that voting for "One weapon only" fights should be possible - you know, Stunstick/Crowbar only, Xbow only, 357 Only, Gravgun only. In such rounds players will spawn with only one weapon and the maps have only one weapon lying around. Today I had finally a bit of time to look on it again - and now the script can be tested on server 6.
The way it is initiated is similar to "votemap" command. To initiate a vote on whether the next map should be "One weapon only", just type in the chat area:
"votemelee" - Stunstick/Crowbar only
"votexbow" - Xbow only (Player spawns also with Gravgun, but this can be changed)
"vote357" - .357 only (Player spawns also with Gravgun, but this can be changed)
"voteggun" - Gravgun only.
For test purposes there is no restriction on number of players on server to start the vote (so it works also when alone), but this will be changed if the script goes to public server.
Of course, one has to vote after typing one of the commands ^^. Then to start the "One weapon round" one has either to change the map manually or wait until the current round ends. The round after the "One weapon round", the weapons should be back to normal (if there was no other "One weapon only" vote, of course).
So, check this out
in Deutsch
about a month ago I've done changes in the Stripper plugin and written an ES-script in a way that voting for "One weapon only" fights should be possible - you know, Stunstick/Crowbar only, Xbow only, 357 Only, Gravgun only. In such rounds players will spawn with only one weapon and the maps have only one weapon lying around. Today I had finally a bit of time to look on it again - and now the script can be tested on server 6.
The way it is initiated is similar to "votemap" command. To initiate a vote on whether the next map should be "One weapon only", just type in the chat area:
"votemelee" - Stunstick/Crowbar only
"votexbow" - Xbow only (Player spawns also with Gravgun, but this can be changed)
"vote357" - .357 only (Player spawns also with Gravgun, but this can be changed)
"voteggun" - Gravgun only.
For test purposes there is no restriction on number of players on server to start the vote (so it works also when alone), but this will be changed if the script goes to public server.
Of course, one has to vote after typing one of the commands ^^. Then to start the "One weapon round" one has either to change the map manually or wait until the current round ends. The round after the "One weapon round", the weapons should be back to normal (if there was no other "One weapon only" vote, of course).
So, check this out
in Deutsch
Steambob hat angefangen das Stripper Plugin zu verstehen und hat ein Skript geschrieben wo es möglich ist "One Weopan Rounds" zu starten. Also z.B. nur Crowbar/Stunstick, nur Crossbow, nur 357, nur Gravgun. Die Spieler joinen also nur mit einer Waffe und in den Maps liegt dann auch nur der eine Waffentyp. Stembob hat wieder ein bischen Zeit investiert und nun ist das Skript zum testen auf unseren Server 6 bereit.
Zum testen einfach in den Chat schreiben:
"votemelee" - nur Stunstick/Crowbar
"votexbow" - nur Xbow (Spieler joinen mit Gravgun aber dies kann man noch ändern)
"vote357" - nur .357 (Spieler joinen mit Gravgun aber dies kann man noch ändern)
"voteggun" - nur Gravgun
Einer muss voten dann startet die One Weopan Round nach Mapchange oder manuellem wechsel. Nach dieser Runde ist dann alles wieder normal und es kann wieder für One Weopan Round gevotet werden.
Checkt es mal aus - erstmal nur zum Test sozusagen hat das Skript Beta Status
Zum testen einfach in den Chat schreiben:
"votemelee" - nur Stunstick/Crowbar
"votexbow" - nur Xbow (Spieler joinen mit Gravgun aber dies kann man noch ändern)
"vote357" - nur .357 (Spieler joinen mit Gravgun aber dies kann man noch ändern)
"voteggun" - nur Gravgun
Einer muss voten dann startet die One Weopan Round nach Mapchange oder manuellem wechsel. Nach dieser Runde ist dann alles wieder normal und es kann wieder für One Weopan Round gevotet werden.
Checkt es mal aus - erstmal nur zum Test sozusagen hat das Skript Beta Status