Besides Mess, about which member(s) are you complaining and what are the complaints per player? I am curious... The teamplay issue is pure nonsense imo, just something to make DTS look like an unfair clan... Not nice:(
About Mess, I will also speak a word with him about the spawnkilling, it is indeed unfair. But is not fair to spread rumours around that are not true , and because of 1 player making the whole clan look bad isn't fair either.
From myself I know that I'm not an unfair player, spawnkill happens now and then, not on purpose, whether i say sry or not. Next time show me some demo's, or if you made one, send it to me:)
GL & HF!
Geschlecht: keine Angabe Herkunft: Kreuzlingen Homepage:half-life-gaming.n… Beiträge: 1715 Dabei seit: 01 / 2006
by the way... Steambob, can you install the spawnprotection plugin on server 7? I think you have the linux version, or? On server 7 its realy needful.
And Seth, i think its only about Mess. Not someone else as i follow the topic right. Just tell him, he should not play team if he do and thats it. All is ok, np.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe Herkunft: Almelo Beiträge: 3 Dabei seit: 03 / 2007
It's not only about Mess... The part in German is in particular about Mess. It also says: apart from Masochist they are really xxxxxxxx. Spawnkills blablabla etc etc. That's indirectly about me and the other DTS members who play on the Bloodsuckers server.
Anyway, I think a war should settle this matter:)
Geschlecht: keine Angabe Herkunft: Kreuzlingen Homepage:half-life-gaming.n… Beiträge: 1715 Dabei seit: 01 / 2006
hey bob i think we got something open too ^^
i'll post a request @ kwl
@ seth: translation:
i played once with maso and cry and they made spawnkills which u mustnt make u know? sometimes guys pass (fairplay) sometimes u get killed (no fairplay) and they kill... sometimes there are situations where u c someone spawning and i think well leave him alone but other guys think muhahaha fresh meat^^ well i think it's no good behaviour but well they all do it =( but i also added in a new post that i played with maso once and he spawnkilled again and said sorry so wtf are we talkin about it's only a game let's chill and make some "war" hf guys meet u @kwl =)