Scottish Warrior Rememberance Anniversary

Small Genius
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Portsmouth, England
Beiträge: 23
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

Scottish Warrior Rememberance Anniversary

Gepostet: 08.04.2009 - 00:02 Uhr  ·  #1

As a clan we'd like to say that it's hasnt gone unnoticed that last Sunday was a year after the sad loss of Mark "sCoTtIsH WaRrIoR" Muirhead of the TP_UK/DMK/TSGK Clans, who is remembered in TSF's map dm_[tsf]_scottish_memorial.

Davros and I as Clan Leaders are a little upset we mis-timed something, but yet feel that perhaps a rememberance evening, like when the map was released is in order: for me as someone who didn't know Scottish too well and only felt his DM wrath, I felt privilidged to have experienced the informal re-union of [DMK] clan (of which TSF has a few members!) on TeamSpeak on our servers in August when the map was released, and indeed feel we as a clan have a duty to remember Mark and indeed pray not, but formalize to remember "fallen clansmen" when that awful, fateful day which will inevitably happen might occur to all our clans. :(

Therefore, I'm proposing that we try and host another night, perhaps in 2 weeks time (so say 18th or 19th April to be finalised) on TSF#1 ( in which we play DM, not only scottish_memorial, but killbox_dmk_b6 and killdome_dmk_final for a evening and try and re-unite, remember and respect a fallen noble death-match player.

Regardless of whether we manage to pull together a rememberance evening, once again I, Davros and the TSF Clan would like to extend our sympathies, commiserations and respects to Mark's family, relatives, friends, associates and all at this sad anniversary.

[ TSF ] Rav
Allround God
Herkunft: grössewem
Alter: 48
Beiträge: 1989
Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Re: Scottish Warrior Rememberance Anniversary

Gepostet: 08.04.2009 - 16:50 Uhr  ·  #2
wtf is it really a year ago? only the best die young!
Serious User
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Manchester
Beiträge: 623
Dabei seit: 08 / 2006

Re: Scottish Warrior Rememberance Anniversary

Gepostet: 08.04.2009 - 19:49 Uhr  ·  #3
If im at home ill play.. I did actually remember myself and was thinking about scotty @ weekend...... R.I.P
Clan Member
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 2634
Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Re: Scottish Warrior Rememberance Anniversary

Gepostet: 08.04.2009 - 19:57 Uhr  ·  #4
Cool thing that you host a rememberance evening for him. We will, can not forget him.
Thanks Mate´s
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