Server 1 läuft jetzt mit 12 Slots, weil bei mehr als 12 Spielern gibt es normaleweise Probleme (Lags).
Hier bitte ich um Vorschläge welche Killbox-Mapen da laufen sollen.
Server 1 runs now with 12 Slots, because for more than 12 players usually the game becomes unplayable due to lags.
Here I am asking which killbox-Maps would the players prefer to see on the server.
Hier bitte ich um Vorschläge welche Killbox-Mapen da laufen sollen.
Server 1 runs now with 12 Slots, because for more than 12 players usually the game becomes unplayable due to lags.
Here I am asking which killbox-Maps would the players prefer to see on the server.