server 1 - nomade

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Herkunft: München
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server 1 - nomade

Gepostet: 13.03.2007 - 20:07 Uhr  ·  #1
just to inform you,

that our nomade server 1 will change IP again soon :(
(but i dont know when. this might take a while)
- the provider is going to move to another computer center.

according to the words of the provider, the pings wont become worse, and can become even better. well, i dont know, lets see.

to test the ping one can use an example-server in the location where server 1 will be installed:
(this is a css/gungame server)

it would be interesting to know how pings to that server compare to the current location of server 1:
for your ISP. it may be better to compare them when both are empty.

let me know. thanks.

p.s. this will add a bit confusion to the server rearrangement which will be done in april:)

p.p.s. sry guys, i wont translate this to german - too tired :)
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