setting up sdk/hammer for OB engine

Rainbow Rider
Herkunft: germany NRW
Homepage: blackknights-clan.…
Beiträge: 150
Dabei seit: 09 / 2009

setting up sdk/hammer for OB engine

Gepostet: 03.10.2010 - 00:52 Uhr  ·  #1
hi there...

thx to [EYE] Valar my sdk/hammer is running again
follow these steps/pics to make it work... :)

You have to manually configure SDK to load Deathmatch under Source 2009.

- After starting ur SDK.. Click on Edit Game Configurations

- Under Current Game Configuration:, click on add.

- A box will appear where you can manually input the name and directory of the game you wish load using Source 2009 SDK.

- For Name, enter the name of the game you will be loading into SDK. In this case, it will be Half-Life 2: Deathmatch or any other name you so wish to choose.

- For Directory, click browse... or manually input the directory of the installed game files. For deathmatch, it will be <install>\Valve\Steam\Steamapps\<account>\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp

- Once you have completed these steps, you will need to close Source SDK and re-open it.

- When Source SDK has reopened, select Source 2009 under Engine Version and Current Game select Half-Life 2: Deathmatch (or whatever previous name you put in for DM.)

- Now load Hammer Editor, and from the dropdown menu, select Tools -> Options...

- A Game Configurations window will appear, and make sure Half-Life 2 Deathmatch is selected as you Configuration.

- Below this you will see Game Data files: where there currently should only be one FGD file loaded - $SteamUserDir\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\base.fgd - You will need to change this!

- Select $SteamUserDir\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\base.fgd and remove it.

- Once you have done this, click on add, and select hl2mp.fgd from your ..\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\ folder.

- After you completed the final step, you may need to close and restart Hammer to load the new FGD file and hl2mp entities.

see pics for all entrys needed..

regards anti
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