Hi everyone,
There is also a new friendly killbox league starting.....
This is a new league for clans who enjoy killboxes and reg maps that are made like a killbox. It is a way of bonding with other clans who you have never had the chance to scrimage with...This has nothing to do with winning or losing so just have fun!
The rules...
- Clans should be friendly and be respectful to other players at all times (In forums and games)
- No cheaters or hacking clans. ( Alias's count as scripts and are not allowed)
(Please dont spam the sounds as it will be turned on)
How its done...
- Clan fights last 15-20 minutes each map, and each clan picks two killboxes.
- The lowest amount of players for a fkcl fight is 2 and the highest is 5.
- If a player crashes the game is paused at the time someone realises that a player is missing.
- Friendly fire will be off for these fights.
- If a killbox has been made by your own clan it is alowd but please upload it onto the forum.
I may have missed a bit out but some of it is to be discussed when some clans sign up to the fkcl.
Are the other Bloodsuckers interested in participating?
seems fun