dm_TITAN ***Complete***Available for play test 24/7 here
This is an Areana map with some interesting verical play.
The map takes place on 2 levels, the upper level give 360 panoramic views
of the entire map, The lower levels are made up of corridors and tunnels,
which i have made Purposfully dark in places which can make for some
fun SHOCK encounters.
Weapons are located around the outer rim and tunnels, the central (tower)
area which offers the best view of the map houses power ups and ammo to
encourage players to try and hold it.
size: medium
locaton: indoor areana map
spawn points: 20+
Weapons: Xbow, Shot Gun, AR2 Pulse cannon, AR2 ALt, Magnum, SMG Grenade, Grenade,
RPG (Hidden), SLAM (Hidden)
Teleports: 2 Jump Pads: 5
download availble HERE
This is an Areana map with some interesting verical play.
The map takes place on 2 levels, the upper level give 360 panoramic views
of the entire map, The lower levels are made up of corridors and tunnels,
which i have made Purposfully dark in places which can make for some
fun SHOCK encounters.
Weapons are located around the outer rim and tunnels, the central (tower)
area which offers the best view of the map houses power ups and ammo to
encourage players to try and hold it.
size: medium
locaton: indoor areana map
spawn points: 20+
Weapons: Xbow, Shot Gun, AR2 Pulse cannon, AR2 ALt, Magnum, SMG Grenade, Grenade,
RPG (Hidden), SLAM (Hidden)
Teleports: 2 Jump Pads: 5
download availble HERE