TSF SERVER 3 in assciation with SADISTS COUNCIL

Alpha Genius
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: plymouth England
Beiträge: 39
Dabei seit: 08 / 2007

TSF SERVER 3 in assciation with SADISTS COUNCIL

Gepostet: 15.02.2008 - 08:21 Uhr  ·  #1
Hi there again to all our friends here at BS.
Again I have to say sorry for not being around much of late but it has been a very buisy time over at TSF as ravage and my self have entered the el maping contest and we are trying to get our own customised statsx up and running, pluss several other bits n peices we are trying to get sorted.

But I thought I would pop over here today while im eating my breakfast :loloo: :loloo: to let you all know about our new partnership with SADISTS council and mapping forum.

His council game server will now be seen in the server lists as being part of the TSF fleet and soon will be linked to the TSF statsx as well .

Here are the links to the two relevent posts on the TSF forum.


I hope that this new aliance will benefit all of us in DM.
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Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Re: TSF SERVER 3 in assciation with SADISTS COUNCIL

Gepostet: 15.02.2008 - 18:27 Uhr  ·  #2
Hi Loard Davros Friend :) - it is always nice to see you here on our board :D

ahh thanks for the Information about your fusion with concil - i think the fusion will be good for the HL2 DM Community :D

mate, thanks for information.

ps: i also start with mapping for the el mapping contest but i am not sure if i can publish a map till the deadline cause i am very busy at moment and i have no concret idear :( wish me luck ;)
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