Update from Valve on 29.11.06 ...

Serious User
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Herkunft: München
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Dabei seit: 06 / 2006

Update from Valve on 29.11.06 ...

Gepostet: 30.11.2006 - 11:58 Uhr  ·  #1
Another update......
We will have to look how we set the new server cvars - these may be important for quality of client connections.
And there is no way now to change cl_restrict_server_commands to 0 other than manually.
That plugin asking to change the variable does not work any more.
However the sounds can be played on clients and client cvars can be read by servers independently of the value of cl_restrict_server_commands.
Let us see if all this for bad or good.

* Fixed Garry's Mod servers not being listed in game
* Added cvars to let the server prevent clients setting unreasonable network settings: sv_mincmdrate, sv_maxcmdrate, sv_client_predict, sv_client_interpolate, sv_client_interp, and sv_client_cmdrate_difference
* Added protection against servers manipulating the cl_restrict_server_commands cvar
* Allow servers to execute the "play" command on clients
* Added an interface to allow servers to query most cvar values on the clients
* Added the IP address of the machine executing an rcon command to the server logfiles
* Fixed spectator relaying in SourceTV
* Removed cl_cmdbackup

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